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Driving change is a complex and challenging undertaking for any business. Company culture, as with all human behaviors, influences the behavior of its employees at every level. Consistency, patience, commitment, and time are needed to successfully achieve cultural change while smoothly transitioning into new objectives.

  1. Evaluate the Current Com­pa­ny Culture

The first step to dri­ving cul­tur­al change is eval­u­at­ing your cur­rent com­pa­ny culture. Your com­pa­ny’s cul­ture defines the broad behav­iors and val­ues that stan­dardize how you operate on a day­-to-day basis.

Address­ing this requires a com­pa­ny-wide under­stand­ing of what your cur­rent cul­ture is, how it develops, and whether the cul­ture aligns with your vision and objectives.

  1. Create New Company Vision and Strategic Direction

If you’re planning a cul­tur­al change, you should start with your com­pa­ny’s vision and ideal ​state. Address the following questions:

  • What are we doing to move the organization toward its vision?
  • What are we doing to recruit and retain the right per­son?
  • What strategies or changes do we need to make to achieve our vision?

Group discussions are a good way of exploring elaborate decision-making process. Look at your current cul­ture and put the concept of ​the organization’s future inside it. This way, you can ensure that every employee knows what they are doing to advance their company and why it is important.

  1. Implement New Change in the Organization

The final step to dri­ving cul­tur­al change is imple­menting the vision that you’ve developed. While this will vary from business to business, there are a few steps that are typical across the industry:

First, the exec­utive team introduces and adopts the new policy. This will ensure that every employee knows that change is coming, when it’ll take effect, and what the outcomes will be if they meet or miss the objec­tives.

The second step is to narrate the story about the new company culture. It’s essential to have the right person tell this story and add some emotion into it.

The third step is to reveal the values of the organization in order for every employee to understand how they align with the compa­ny’s vision and future.